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Africa Trade - SRX Service Update

Due to the continued civil unrest in Durban and Johannesburg impacting the Durban container terminal and road/rail networks, we have implemented a schedule contingency plan to minimise schedule disruption.

M/V. Maira XL v.213N
-    All Durban imports to be discharged at Coega terminal on 18th – 20th July
-    Considering the transport challenges in Durban, we urge all importers of Gauteng destined cargo to take delivery of imports directly from NCT by road or rail 
-    Urgent Durban imports will be transported by feeder on the M/V Border v.205A to Maydon Wharf Terminal Durban ETD Coega 22nd-23rd July with ETA Durban 24th-25th July
-    The M/V Maira XL will maintain Durban port call for exports only, to enable faster berthing. 
-    The export call at Coega for exports is TBA based on Durban performance.   

M/V Santa Clara v.213N
-    Vessel will continue to work in Durban container terminal and discharge all imports and load all stacked Durban exports 
-    Coega NB call will be omitted so that vessel can sail directly to Cape Town to meet the export CTOC berthing window
-    Coega export cargo in stack for M/V Santa Clara v.213N will be loaded on the M/V Maira XL 18th-20th July

Schedule Details are as below (subject to change):

Santa Clara v.213N Arrives Departs
Durban In Port PM 20th July
Cape Town 22nd July 24th July
On proforma    


Maira XL v.213N Arrives Departs
Coega (2nd call) 18th July 20th July
Durban 21st July 25th July (TBA)
Coega TBA  
Cape Town 29th July 31st July
On Proforma    


MV. Border v.205A Arrives Departs
Coega 22nd July 23rd July
Durban (MWT) 25th July  
Forward TBA    

If you have any questions do not hesitate to contact your local sales office. Contact details can be found on our website:

Please also refer to our published schedule.