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Africa Trade - SRX Service Update – Maira XL v.212S/213N

Due to good recovery in Durban, both at the terminal and road/rail landside, M/V Maira XL v. 212S/213N will now discharge all Durban import cargo in Durban at DCT Pier 2 and then proceed to Pier 1 for her export call. 

All export cargo that was originally planned to be loaded in Coega, will now be loaded on M/V DAL Kalahari v.212S on her upcoming Coega call.

Schedule Details are as below:

Maira XL v.213N     Arrives Departs
Durban 21st July 26th July
Coega OMIT  
Cape Town     29th July 31st July
On Proforma    


MV. DAL Kalahari v.212S Arrives Departs
Coega 22nd July 23rd July

If you have any questions do not hesitate to contact your local sales office. Contact details can be found on our website