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Improved Intra-Europe Trade-STS Service (Now Aliaga Is Back)

Ocean Network Express (ONE) is pleased to announce the expansion of our Spain Turkey Service (STS) to
include the port of Aliaga,Turkey. This strategic addition strengthens our network for intra-Europe trade
between Spain and Turkey.

With Aliaga back to STS:

   • Enhanced Flexibility: A wider range of port options provides greater flexibility for your supply chain needs.
   • Extended Coverage: We strive to offer agile and flexible service, and Aliaga could enhance our all around service in this trade lane,

Service Details:

   • Port Rotation: Istanbul (Kumport), Gebze (Beldeport), Aliaga(Nemport), Barcelona (APM), Valencia (APM), Algeciras (TTI), Istanbul (Kumport)
   • Frequency/ Vessel Lineup: Weekly Service/3 Vessels
   • Effective Vessel and Sailing Date: GFS SAPPHIRE (0025W) and ETA Aliaga (Nemport) 19-Sep.

Improved Intra-Europe Trade-STS Service (Now Aliaga Is Back)

Should you have any questions or concerns. Please do not hesitate to contact your sales representative for
additional support.

Yours faithfully,

Ocean Network Express