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Intra-Europe Trade - NBS Service – Schedule Adjustments

Further to our customer advisory dated 11th June, due to accumulated delays on the NBS service and the temporary removal of the M/V Lisbon Express, partner lines have made further service adjustments as follows: 

M/V Lisbon Express -voyages 3122, 3126, 3130 cancelled

M/V Lisbon Express V2134 E / V2134 W, 23rd August 2021 return to NBS service – Russia loop

M/V Mississauga Express – voyages 3124, 3128 to omit Finnish loops 

M/V Lisbon Express – voyages 2126, 2130 to be replaced by M/V Mississauga Express 

M/V Mississauga Express – voyage 2128 to omit Russia loops 

Please refer to our published schedule for further details:

Should you have any questions or concerns, please contact your sales account representative for support:

We regret the omissions of ports and loops in the upcoming weeks and apologise for any inconvenience this may cause.

We thank you for your support and cooperation during this period.