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Secure Chain Procedure within the Port of Rotterdam

Dear valued ONE customer,

Ocean Network Express is committed to ensuring the safety of your cargo and as such, we
are implementing the Secure Chain initiative in the Port of Rotterdam.

The Secure Chain is the new, secure, and reliable way to release and collect containers in
the Port of Rotterdam. In the Secure Chain, the authorization to collect a container is
digitally transferred from one logistics party to the next, removing the PIN code procedure
from the collection process entirely. The result is a closed logistics chain that is comprised
solely of the authorized parties.

As we roll out the new release procedure, we will be implementing it in stages.
As of the 21 st of November 2023, we will initially focus on customers with import cargo from
South and Central America and all remaining cargo from this same customer.

Kindly understand that ONE will contact their customers who have been selected to start
receiving releases through Secure Chain. When selected then your local ONE Agent will
provide you with the next steps in the process.

For more information on how the Secure Chain works, please visit this website:

Alternatively, please contact your Local ONE Agent for more information.

Yours faithfully,

Ocean Network Express (Europe) Ltd.