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SRX Service update – M/V Santa Rita v.244N/245S & ONE Resilience v.244N/245S

Dear Valued Customer,

We are currently encountering major operational challenges in some European terminals
amongst which the London Gateway terminal.

As a result of a severe move-count restriction imposed on us at the London Gateway
terminal the M/V Santa Rita Voy.244N/245S has only sufficient moves available to
discharge the import cargo.

The M/V ONE Resilience Voy.244N/245S was planned for berthing at London Gateway on
16th December but due to congestion we could only berth on 23rd December 2024. To
safeguard the quality of the perishables on board and to save guard schedule integrity we
have managed to secure an alternative berth at Southampton allowing for the UK import
cargo to be landed before Christmas.

Export cargo booked for both above mentioned vessels will be transferred to the M/V
Santa Teresa Voy.245S which vessel will berth at London Gateway on 23 December

Please find below the latest schedule:

Santa Rita 244N/245S

ONE Resilience 244N/245S


If you have any questions do not hesitate to contact your local sales office. Contact details
can be found on our website

ONE Global Liner Management Division